REPLACEDENT-Implant tooth replacement

REPLACEDENT – Implant tooth replacement

Have you got a missing tooth or a loose denture? Do implants sound daunting?
Here at Elwood Dental Group we use a virtually pain-free, digitally perfected implant placement method called REPLACEDENT, developed by the local MOREDENT group right here in Melbourne.

Here is how it works:
. A CT (computer) scan of the jaw with the missing tooth is done to determine if an implant can be placed here
. Impression of your mouth is taken
. Computer guided technology is used to determine the best plan for placing your implant.
. 3D printed template is made – this guide shows us precisely where the implant has to be placed.
. MIS implant is placed using the guide – keyhole procedure is done with local anaesthetic, minimal trauma and usually takes as little time as a standard filling!
. Once the implant integrates and fuses with the jawbone (average of 3 months) a crown is made and is attached to the implant. Thus the implant mimics the function of your tooth root and the       crown mimics the looks and function of the actual tooth that is visible in the mouth.
. This keyhole surgery reduces the need for lengthy, invasive surgical implant procedures
. Planned computer guided process ensures absolute efficiency
. Minimally invasive procedure = minimal post-operative pain, faster healing, quick return to everyday life. Many patients comment that no painkillers were required after the procedure!
. Local planning and manufacture 10 minutes away from the clinic at MOREDENT’s St Kilda Rd headquaters = unparallel, efficient service from an implant company with over 20 years of   experience. MIS are in the top 10 implant brands in the world.

Call us on 9531 6387 or email on to see if you can benefit from REPLACEDENT