Soft Foods To Eat After Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

If you’re one of the many people who will be having their wisdom teeth removed soon, you’re likely wondering what foods you’ll be able to eat afterwards.

While your dentist may give you a list of soft foods to eat, it can be helpful to have a variety of ideas at your disposal.

In this blog post, we’ll share a few recipes for soft foods that are both delicious and nutritious. 

Having your wisdom teeth removed is definitely not a fun experience. But, thankfully, there are some soft foods that you can eat to make the healing process a little bit easier.

In this blog post, we’ll give you a list of some of the best soft foods to enjoy after having your wisdom teeth removed. So, if you’re scheduled for surgery in the near future, be sure to read on!

What’s The Deal With Wisdom Teeth?

Some people do not have issues with their wisdom teeth. However, wisdom teeth are associated with a significant amount of discomfort and extra dental complications for the vast majority of people. 

If your dentist suggests that you have your wisdom teeth extracted, there is probably not enough space in your mouth for the teeth to erupt properly, leading to alignment problems.

Or the discomfort that you are feeling is already present. For whatever reason, if this is the first dental procedure you have ever had, you most likely have concerns, such as what foods are safe to consume after having your wisdom teeth out.

Wisdom teeth, like any other tooth that is impacted, will require extraction by surgical means. Your dentist will provide you with postoperative instructions regarding caring for the wound and what you should and shouldn’t do.

These instructions will be given to you after the procedure has been completed. You are required to proceed in the manner described.

Oral surgery is a major procedure with a risk of consequences, the most significant of which is an infection.

The prospect of undergoing dental work, whether it be the removal of wisdom teeth, general dental extractions, or even dental implants, can be disconcerting for patients; nevertheless, with a little bit of advance planning, patients can have a positive experience and a speedy recovery after the procedure.

If you are about to have substantial dental work done, one of the best ways to get ready for it is to ensure that the refrigerator and pantry are filled with soft foods well before the procedure. 

Always follow the post-op instructions your dentist or surgeon gave to you to reduce the risk of infection.

In the meantime, here are some suggestions for foods that can endorse a speedy recovery after having your wisdom teeth extracted, undergoing oral surgery, or having significant dental work done.

Expectations Following Oral Surgery

When you visit the dentist, your wisdom teeth will have to be extracted via surgical extraction. This method deviates from the typical extraction in a few small ways.

First, wisdom teeth are notoriously challenging to extract because of their position in the back of the gum line. As a result, removing them surgically is not a viable option.

In order for the dentist to have complete access to the tooth, an incision will need to be made into the gum.

After the tooth has been extracted, the wound will be stitched up, and a gauze pad will be positioned over it. After the prescribed time of 30 minutes, the gauze should be removed and thrown away.

To have less discomfort once the anaesthesia wears off, you should take your pain medication as soon as possible. You will notice severe swelling in the first few days, but it will go away after that.

It is normal for considerable bleeding, which should stop during the first 24 to 48 hours, but it is something you should prepare for.

What Must You Prevent?

In the context of the extraction of wisdom teeth, one of the things that dentists are most commonly questioned about is what patients should steer clear of doing.

Even though you might be tempted to avoid contacting the incision site by avoiding certain activities, such as brushing or flossing your teeth, you should get back into your normal oral hygiene routine as soon as possible after surgery.

It is strongly recommended that you do not use a straw. Suction should be avoided because it can lead to a dry socket.

If you are a smoker, your orthodontist will advise you to give up the habit, as it can negatively impact your oral health.

Even if you cannot kick the habit permanently, you should try to avoid lighting up for a minimum of the first two days after surgery.

In the same way that using a straw can raise your risk of getting a dry socket, so can smoking.

What Can I Eat After Having My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

The removal of wisdom teeth is one of the reasons that dental extractions are performed. They are also referred to as the third molars and source great discomfort.

On the other hand, cavities can cause significant damage to a person’s teeth, to the point where the dentist has no choice but to pull them out.

In either scenario, the patient needs to be ready for postoperative care, and food plays an important part in that preparation.

The recommendation that dentists give their patients most frequently is to eat a diet composed of soft foods, which are easier on the teeth and the stomach.

It is crucial to remember that as your gum tissue heals, chewing may be difficult, so eating soft food is a good alternative. In addition, as a result of the changes in the size of your bites, the meals may need to break up sufficiently for smooth digestion.

You can simplify digestion by including certain foods that are low in fibre yet high in nutrients.

During the time spent recuperating, the first 24–48 hours are among the most important. During this period, it is essential to exercise an increased level of caution and eat foods and liquids that are easy on the stomach.

Smoothies, smoothies, pureed meals, or food that has been mashed are all wonderful options during this time.

You can begin taking solid foods gradually and steadily, but you should steer clear of items that are difficult to chew or sticky.

Be mindful of what you eat for at least a month or until the incision site has completely healed, whichever comes first.

How To Know What To Eat After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Out

If you want the greatest feasible healing from having your wisdom teeth out, you will want to make sure that you adhere to the instructions for what foods you should and shouldn’t eat in the week after surgery. Please remember that the affected region will be in a lot of pain.


On the day of your surgery, you might expect discomfort but nothing too severe. There is a good chance that you will be hungry, yet you won’t want to eat anything. You should completely abstain from eating solid foods. Instead, it would be best if you consumed liquids such as broth. 

You must consume adequate liquid throughout the day; good options include water and juice. If you want to prevent getting a dry socket, using a straw is something you should try to avoid doing.

A blood clot that develops after operation can sometimes become displaced, leading to a dry socket. This illness has the potential to cause extreme pain. In addition, it’s possible that sucking through a straw will break up the blood clot in your throat.


After 24 hours, patients are urged to progress to eating soft foods. It would be best if you stayed away from anything particularly tough, but you are free to consume foods that have some consistency, such as yoghurt, pudding, jello, and soups.

If possible, steer clear of the food lying on the wound area. Because of the high level of sensitivity that will be present, you should steer clear of foods that are either too hot or too cold.


On day three, you should consume soft meals like pudding, jello, soup, and applesauce. These are the types of foods you should focus on eating.

Altering things up a bit by adding mashed potatoes to your menu is another option for you to consider. On the other hand, you should allow any hot food or beverages to reach room temperature before consuming them. Because of this, the risk of creating irritation will be reduced.


It is essential that you keep drinking liquids and eating soft foods throughout the course of the next two days. You are allowed to eat ice cream, cream of wheat, and oatmeal on day four of the diet.

Popsicles can also be consumed, but if the chilly temperature of ice cream and popsicles causes you discomfort, it is recommended that you steer clear of them for the first few days of your pregnancy.

In general, many people find that the cold is pleasant for their sore gums when they experience it.


Day five marks the end of the postoperative period, during which you should continue to consume foods that are easier on the digestive system.

Eggs, macaroni, and cheese are two delicious and simple foods that may be added to a diet to boost its nutritional value and enhance its flavour. Both of these foods are also quite easy to consume. 

You are now able to start consuming more substantial items. However, it would be best to avoid meals with excessively gritty textures.

Tacos and nachos provide a good illustration of this. The crispiness of the chips and shells may be excessive, causing pain in the wound area.


You will want to continue watching what you consume beginning on day six and continuing beyond that. Stay away from foods that are too hot or cold for at least the first week.

About day six, you may discover that the area is less sensitive, that the inflammation has decreased, and that it is considerably simpler for you to chew. 

It would help if you stayed away from anything that has an excessively chewy consistency. Giving one’s teeth and gums a thorough cleaning after each meal is essential. To thoroughly clean the region, use a toothbrush with gentle bristles.

On day 2, your dentist will most likely urge you to perform a saltwater rinse as part of your aftercare routine. It is essential to use the rinse gently, without exerting too much pressure, and to swish it about in your mouth merely.

What Meals Are Safe to Consume Following Dental Surgery?

1. Soup

Soups blended or made with broth are excellent choices to eat after having your wisdom teeth extracted because they do not involve chewing and do not include any ingredients that could irritate the extraction sites.

In addition, when you cannot consume full fruits and vegetables, you can acquire the nourishment your body requires from soups because they are typically abundant in vitamins and minerals. 

Blended soups are another great way to stay hydrated throughout the day. There is a wide variety of soups available to pick from, some of which include cream of celery, pumpkin, tomato, and beef broth. If you have a blender, you may smooth up any soup by blending it after adding chunks of meat or veggies and putting it through the blender.

2. Blended Oatmeal with Bananas

Not only are oats gentle on the belly, but they are also high in fibre and may be made into a delicious dish by adding milk (full or skimmed).

They can be reduced to powder using a grinder, eliminating the need to chew them. You could add mashed bananas to the mixture to make it more palatable and healthful at the same time. In addition, using ground nuts improves the flavour and the dish’s nutritional content.

With oatmeal, one can explore in infinite ways, particularly after a delicate treatment such as having teeth out. It is simple to prepare and digest and has many positive effects on one’s health.

3. Scrambled Eggs

After having oral surgery, you should start eating eggs as soon as possible. They include a substantial quantity of high-quality protein abundant in essential vitamins and minerals.

Even though eggs cooked in various ways tend to be softer, scrambled eggs are the best option because they are much simpler to chew and swallow.

Of course, you can choose to consume only the egg whites, but doing so will deprive you of additional nutrients and calories, leaving you feeling less energised.

It is one of the most common things eaten for breakfast, and almost no one can refuse it.

No meal can top breakfast consisting of rich and velvety soft scrambled eggs, particularly if you are now suffering through that dreadful period of rehabilitation after having your teeth extracted. 

Eggs that have been boiled are a fantastic option for the morning if you are looking for something that is not only high in protein but also easy to digest.

If you want to recuperate from the surgical incision more quickly, you should avoid eating toast with breakfast eggs. You may also choose to use cottage cheese in your scrambled eggs because it is nutritious and simple to chew.

4. Banana and Greek Yogurt Smoothie

Bananas are a fantastic food choice for their high potassium content and ease of preparation and digestion. The combination of bananas and Greek yoghurt results in a thick, creamy smoothie that is low in calories and high in nutritional value.

The preparation of this smoothie does not take more than five minutes, and it features yoghurt, an excellent calcium source. Because calcium has been shown to speed the healing of bone, taking it may help the supporting dental bone heal faster.

5. Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes that have been beaten to a smooth consistency are a delicious snack high in fibre and can be enjoyed after having wisdom teeth removed.

They have a larger caloric and nutritional content, which helps restore strength after going under the knife. The fact that you may get the health benefits of mashed potatoes with only a few bites makes this a fantastic alternative for people with trouble eating.

Ensure the potatoes are mashed well and that any lumps are worked out before serving. You can mash sweet potatoes and add butter or cinnamon to the mixture if you enjoy the flavour of sweet potatoes.

6. Avocado Smoothie

Smoothies are an excellent choice if you are looking for something that is extremely healthy and simple to digest. They are very helpful for patients who are in the process of recuperating from dental procedures.

Avocados are rich in potassium and folate, which speed the healing process after an injury. For the smoothie preparation, you can utilise either one whole avocado or half of one along with Greek yoghurt to make a substantial and satisfying beverage.

The nutritive benefits of the smoothie can be improved by including and blending in seasonal fruit.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt is characterised by a silky, airy texture, which makes it very simple to consume.

Despite having a silky texture and a creamy mouthfeel, ice cream is loaded with both sugar and fat.

Yogurt is a more nutritious option than other desserts, and it comes in a wide selection of fruit-inspired tastes, such as strawberry, lemon, peach, cherry, and many more.

You must steer clear of yoghurt with crunchy ingredients such as granola or cookie crumbles. There is also the option of selecting Greek yoghurt, which is rich in protein and other nutrients such as calcium and zinc.

8. Rice with Mashed Veggies

When eaten in moderation, rice is an excellent food choice for maintaining fullness for an extended period. Including some protein with the rice is another fantastic idea that works beautifully. If you are worried about what to consume after teeth extraction, a nutritious lunch option would be to combine rice with mashed vegetables. 

Choose a protein source that is not only tender but also nutritious, such as fish or chicken that has been shredded.

Carbohydrates can be obtained from rice, and a variety of vitamins and minerals can be obtained from vegetables that have been mashed, such as carrots, cucumbers, or beetroots.

9. Applesauce

Eating applesauce is a wonderful method to enhance your food consumption without causing as much strain on your digestive system as would be the case if you consumed whole apples.

This is because the skin of an apple contains the vast majority of the apple’s nutritive components. 

The apple’s peel is typically removed when making applesauce, which reduces the fruit’s nutritional value.

However, the apple that is pureed to create applesauce still retains a significant amount of its nutritional value, including the fibre and vitamin C beneficial to your immune function. In addition, prepare applesauce at home to cut back on the amounts of sugar.

10. Smoothies

Smoothies are an incredibly flexible food option, in addition to being a good provider of different nutrients.

You can select the fruits and vegetables that appeal to your sense of taste while also ensuring that you acquire the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In order to increase the amount of protein you consume on a daily basis, incorporate some Greek yoghurt or protein powder into your smoothie. 

In a perfect world, you would want to steer clear of adding foods to smoothies, like strawberries and blackberries that contain a lot of seeds.

These seeds tend to become mired in the extraction processes.

Also, do not drink through a straw. A dry socket is a painful disease that can be caused when the blood clot developed in the socket is dislodged due to the suction.

11. Hummus

Another simple item to prepare and consume is hummus, which may be purchased at a grocery shop or made at home.

To accomplish this, use a hand mixer to combine chickpeas, olive oil, tahini, garlic, and lemon. Regrettably, you won’t be able to eat your hummus with any chips or pita bread because we had to leave those alternatives off the menu.

Despite this, hummus is delicious and nutritious even when eaten alone.

In addition to being delicious, hummus also contains several beneficial properties for your body. Because of its smooth and creamy texture and its many beneficial effects on one’s health, hummus is an excellent choice for diet after removal.

In addition, adding carbohydrate-rich pita bread to the meal makes you feel fuller for a longer period. However, to prevent any issues post-extraction, you should be careful not to bite and chew too forcefully while eating.

12. Pasta

After an extraction, pasta is the most convenient and least time-consuming food to make. Instead of choosing conventional pasta, you should go for whole wheat pasta if you want something better for your health.

Once more, you can complete the meal with a protein of your choosing. Make sure it won’t be too rough on your teeth, like fish or chopped poultry or meat, and choose it carefully.

13. Instant Oatmeal

Oats provide satiety in addition to being an excellent source of fibre, in addition to other vitamins and minerals. Because of the slightly sticky nature of oats, you should avoid eating them for at least two to three days after having your wisdom teeth extracted.

After two days have passed, you should reheat some quick oatmeal so you can enjoy it.

The texture of oatmeal produced using steel-cut oats is chewier than that of oatmeal prepared with instant oats. You may give it some taste by adding syrup or jelly, or you can use cream of wheat instead of quick oatmeal if you want.

14. Jell-O and Pudding

There is a wide selection of Jell-O and pudding varieties available to pick from. Be sure to steer clear of tastes that include large bits of fruit, cookie crumbles, or any other ingredients that have a crunchy texture.

You can choose to prepare Jell-O or pudding yourself or get it prepared from the supermarket.

These options are simple to prepare and have a long shelf life, making them an ideal alternative for individuals who might not always have a caregiver there while recovering.

They are simple to prepare, easy to get, and fun to use!

15. Ground Chicken

Ensure your post-extraction nutrition has a lot of protein. Protein consumption has been shown to hasten the healing process.

Because ground chicken is both nutritious and easy to chew after extraction, it is an excellent choice for a diet following the procedure.

Cut up between two and three chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces. Add salt and pepper to taste, then crush everything together in a blender, food processor, or grinder.

16. Salmon

Salmon is among the cleanest forms of seafood; since it is tender and simple to chew, it is a good protein source after dental procedures. Salmon is also one of the most delicious varieties of fish.

Salmon also has a high amount of beneficial fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to help decrease inflammation throughout the body.

Either roast the salmon in the oven or prepare it on the stovetop with some butter to enhance flavour. Either method will work.

17. Baked Chicken 

When recovering from extraction, eating items that will help you recover more quickly is important. During this time, eating protein in any form is beneficial; however, you should make sure to prepare it in a way that is simple and easy to digest.

Chicken baked in the oven is an excellent and nutritious approach to complete your daily requirements for protein.

Because protein can speed up the body’s natural healing process, eating it daily is essential. Do not worry if you are not particularly skilled in cooking because preparing this dish is relatively easy. To make this dish, you will only need an oven, chicken, and other seasonings.

In addition, the chicken is much simpler to chew on after it has been shredded.

Because the bones are already removed, chicken breasts are excellent for baking because they are so easy to prepare.

First, defrost the chicken, then marinate it in various seasonings and spices, such as salt, pepper, red chilli, etc. At the very least, give it an hour for the spices to permeate the meat completely.

The next step is to brush the chicken with oil using a pastry brush or gloves, ensuring that the finished product is flavorful and juicy. It should not take more than thirty minutes to cook in the oven if you use chicken breasts of a size that is considered to be medium.

Use a thermometer to determine whether or not the chicken is done cooking and has reached the desired tenderness.

The optimal temperature is around 75 degrees Celsius. You can make this into a whole supper by adding mashed potatoes.