Party season is here once again, meaning endless feasts, treats and indulgences. We all know that this means less than ideal food choices. So what should we look out for and how can we be kind to our teeth and stomachs this Christmas?
Pork crackling This is sure to break some teeth, as well as add some calories! Its incredible how many patients come in with cracked teeth and fillings after Christmas! |
Turkey Softer, leaner meat |
Chocolate-covered nuts Teeth breakers, as well as decay accelerators due to high sugar |
Slivered almonds Much softer and gentler on the teeth. Also full of healthy fats, vitamin E, protein and magnesium. May help to reduce blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol |
Red wine Who likes discoloured stained teeth?! |
White wine A lighter alternative to reds, to keep your pearly whites sparkling, especially in summer! |
Fizzy drinks High acid level and usually full of sugar = recipe for new cavities. Also bright colour additives may contribute to tooth stains |
Water Clear – will never stain your teeth Refreshing and thirst-quenching Added fluoride strengthens tooth enamel |
Candy cane Pure hard sugar breaking teeth and causing decay |
Dark chocolate Healthier sweet alternative with protein, fibre, magnesium and iron |
Chips Full of nasty fats, hidden sugars and flavour additives |
Veggie sticks with dip Full of nutrients, vitamins and low in nasty fats and sugars |
Dried fruit Concentrated, sticky sugar, more likely to cause cavities. May not contain as many nutrients, as these are destroyed in the heat/dehydration process |
Fresh fruit Natural source of fibre, nutrients, vitamins and water to keep you full for longer |
So make the right choices this silly season, enjoy your break, indulge in moderation, stay healthy and safe and we’ll see you in 2022!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
EDG team