Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery Time – What To Expect As You Heal

If you’re about to have your wisdom teeth removed, you may be wondering how long the recovery process will take. We’ll give you a breakdown of what to expect as you heal.

Keep in mind that everyone heals differently, so don’t be surprised if your experience differs from what we describe here. But with any luck, our advice will make your healing process smoother. 

Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental procedure many people undergo at some point in their lives. If you’re scheduled to remove your wisdom teeth, it’s important to be prepared for recovery.

This blog post will give you a breakdown of what to expect as you heal. Remember that everyone’s experience is different, so speak with your dentist if you have any specific questions. 

Thanks for reading!

Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Removal

This is one of the dental operations conducted most frequently in many parts of the world.

As a result of overcrowding, the vast majority of individuals get their wisdom teeth extracted, also known as their third molars.

As a result, your jaw does not have sufficient space to accept your posterior teeth without causing damage to any of your other teeth. 

Dental professionals usually suggest surgery as a preventative measure if teeth start to erupt, although some patients do not require it.

The third molars are a set of four adult teeth situated in the very back of the mouth and typically come between the ages of 17 and 25.

Because these teeth often appear in young adults rather than youngsters, the term “wisdom teeth” is commonly used to refer to them.

It is thought that prehistoric humans required wisdom teeth due to the roots, leaves, and raw flesh they consumed regularly in their diet.

The moment our early ancestors discovered how to prepare, we no longer expected their services. The anatomy of our jaws has evolved so drastically over the course of human history that we are frequently unable to make room for these teeth.

Because of this, most patients opt to have their wisdom teeth extracted.

What Is The Procedure For Removing Wisdom Teeth?

When wisdom teeth erupt, they can be extremely painful for many individuals, and this discomfort is typically an indication that the wisdom tooth is causing damage to the teeth that are adjacent to it.

Your orthodontist will let you know if extraction is necessary for any of these teeth.

As a result, you must maintain a schedule of routine dental examinations during your entire life.

The vast majority of dental practitioners advocate for the removal of wisdom teeth at an earlier stage when the roots have only grown up to two-thirds of the way.

It will make things simpler if they are eliminated at this stage. However, many waited till later in life to get them taken for a variety of reasons.

Discuss with your dentist if it is necessary to get your wisdom teeth extracted if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Gums that are swollen or red.
  • Sore or bleeding gums.
  • Jaw ache or discomfort.
  • An inflammation that develops within or near the jaw area.
  • Experiencing discomfort in the area of the teeth adjacent to the wisdom teeth
  • You have difficulty expanding your mouth.

Although if you require general anaesthesia for the procedure, your wisdom teeth can nearly always be extracted in the comfort of your own home. Typically, your periodontist or your normal dentist can execute the procedure, but in some instances, an oral surgeon will be required. The process should take a little time, but the timing will depend on the surgery’s difficulty. When teeth are involved, the procedure may need to be performed under more stringent conditions.

You will be able to go home and continue your recovery after the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off. Because you cannot drive, you will be required to ask a friend or family member to drive you home.

You’ll need stitches, though that happens less frequently these days.

Many dental professionals use removable points. Even so uncommon as to be practically unheard of, there are situations in which conventional stitches may be used.

Your orthodontist may advise you to take pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen to combat discomfort and inflammation.

A few days following surgery, you may also be given a prescription for a particular painkiller to help you deal with the more severe pain you are experiencing. 

It will take a little while for the inflammation and the discomfort to go away. Still, you may feel uncomfortable or irritated for a few days after the worst discomfort has subsided.

The extraction of wisdom teeth is a routine surgical procedure; as a result, the recovery time of two weeks is widely understood.

However, you should still follow the aftercare advice provided by your orthodontist to minimise experiencing any complications.

Waking Up

A topical anaesthetic and some mild anesthesia can be all necessary for the straightforward removal of a wisdom tooth.

You will most likely not be conscious while the treatment is being performed, but you will normally be able to depart shortly after it is over.

When your wisdom teeth haven’t yet broken past your gums and are possibly rooted in your jawbone, you might need to remove any impacted wisdom teeth to prevent further health complications.

In the course of this treatment, the individual will normally be given general anaesthesia in addition to any local anaesthetic administered close to the area where the removal will occur.

It is possible that you will be under general anaesthesia for a longer period following the removal of an impacted wisdom tooth.

Therefore, it is highly likely that you will not recall anything from the surgery itself, the transition to the recovery area, or the few minutes that passed before the treatment began.

Going Home

You won’t be able to feel anything in your mouth when you initially open your eyes. However, over the period of the next few hours, you may regain that sensation that you had earlier.

Within the first twenty-four hours of your recuperation, there is a possibility that you will have blood in your mouth.

Make sure you get enough rest the night before your procedure and avoid doing anything that could be considered physically taxing.

On the day of your procedure to remove impacted wisdom teeth, you will have a few extra things to accomplish, including the following:

  • Your oral surgeon will provide you with a gauze pad to place over the area where the tooth was extracted for a period of time ranging anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours. You will be given extra gauze pads to utilise throughout the course of the following few hours. Alter the gauze pads covering the wound each hour for your doctor’s prescribed time.
  • It is likely that your doctor will direct you to stop at a pharmacy on the way home to pick up pain medication or antibiotics so that you can begin taking them as quickly as you get home.
  • You will most likely be instructed to start taking any over-the-counter pain relievers recommended in place of prescription medications as soon as you return to your house.
  • You must start applying an ice pack to the side(s) of your jaw in which teeth were taken as shortly as possible after the surgical procedure.

Within the first ten hours following your procedure, you might experience feelings of vomiting and nausea as a side effect of the sedatives you were given, the general anaesthesia, or swallowing blood. After this time, you should contact your doctor if you have not stopped throwing up.

What Can You Do Right Away Following The Operation?

People ought to discuss the best methods for assisting with healing with their dentists or surgeons.

They are obligated to provide comprehensible information regarding the medication to be taken and the steps to be performed to encourage a cure. 

The recommendation could involve biting on a gauze pad in the removal region for a period of half an hour. It’s possible that your dentist or surgeon will recommend that you use an ice pack in the first few hours after your procedure.

It is possible to alleviate pain and minimise swelling by placing an ice pack on the exterior of the face over the region where the removal was performed for 15 minutes and then turning it off for another 15 minutes.

If a person has undergone surgery at the hospital and has been given general anaesthesia, they are not allowed to drive for the subsequent forty-eight hours. After surgery, the patient is recommended to either attend a school or take one or two days off from work, if allowed.


When one or more of your wisdom teeth are extracted during the procedure, full recovery from the procedure can take as long as two weeks.

You might have experienced the following at this time:

  • inflammation in the mouth and cheeks will be more severe in the first few days but will eventually get better; applying a cold towel to your face and softly pushing it against your face will help minimise the inflammation.
  • a few faint bruises that are clearly visible on your cheek – It is possible for the skin to be bruised for up to two weeks.
  • jaw pain and stiffness; this symptom ought to go away in seven to ten days at the most.
  • pain; if the removal is tough or complicated, this pain will be worse.
  • a flavour that is disagreeable in one’s tongue
  • sensations of tingling or numbness in the face, lips, or tongue (although this is uncommon)

The extraction of wisdom teeth typically takes place while the patient is under general anaesthesia; hence, the recovery time following this treatment is typically greater than that associated with the extraction of other teeth.

After the procedure, you might expect your mouth to feel better after two weeks.

A condition known as a dry socket only develops in extremely unusual cases.

This distressing condition is triggered by the blood clot becoming looser or disintegrating altogether.

This will result in the root and bone beneath the region where the gums need to recover from being exposed. 

You can discern the bone in the dish that’s been cleaned out, but the major symptom is intense agony. If you observe this, you should consult your orthodontist about it.

Notify your orthodontist as soon as possible if the discomfort worsens or if it doesn’t go away after some time has passed.

This may also be an indication that there is an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

In the event that you experience excessive bleeding, significant pain, or any other signs that are not typical, you should contact your orthodontist or oral surgeon quickly.

In What Ways Can You Aid The Recovery Process?

Following the surgery, you may receive instructions on properly caring for your mouth from your orthodontist. Nevertheless, you can assist the recovery process by taking certain extra steps while you are at home.

In order to aid in the recovery process:

  • It would be best if you prevented washing the area around the tooth root for the first two days after the procedure. Then, clean the remainder of your teeth in the same manner as you would.
  • Wash your mouth with water or saline solution, but do it in a gentle manner; aggressive rinsing is not necessary.
  • Stay away from tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
  • Drinking with a straw is not recommended since it may cause the blood clot to get disrupted.
  • After the treatment, you should stay away from anything hot for at least a day.
  • For the next three days, stay away from items that require a lot of chewing.

It is common to experience some bleeding in the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.

While you wait for the bleeding to slow down and finally stop, you will need to change the gauze several times.

On the first day after the procedure, you will not be able to clean, rinse, or floss your teeth. After that, you’ll be able to proceed normally with the next phase of your dental hygiene practise. When you first begin brushing, start with a light hand.

After the surgery, you should restrict your eating, drinking, and talking for the first two days.

As soon as you notice that the bleeding has stopped, you should consume soft and warm food and drink plenty of water. It will be easier for you to feel better and make a full recovery if you maintain a healthy diet and drink enough water.

Using a specialised mouthwash, you can maintain the wound’s cleanliness. You can get a prescription for them from your doctor, or you can buy them at the local pharmacy. Please inquire with your doctor about the product they think is best.

You could also cleanse with a saline solution that is on the milder side. Mix salt in warm, not hot, water. Additionally, this treatment can soothe inflamed gums. Keep your head elevated as you sleep. When you start waking up, you should experience less discomfort and inflammation since it will stop blood from accumulating in your head.

Problems Following Removal

Complications can arise after the wisdom teeth extraction, just as they do after any other surgical procedure. In the next sections, we will further examine some of these topics.

1. Infection

Following surgical procedures, there is a risk of infection.

The following are examples of possible signs of infection:

  • discharge that is yellow or white in colour
  • temperature that is high
  • after four or five days, an increase in either the discomfort or the edema
  • smelly breath

Mouthwashes that are antiseptic have the potential to help avoid infection.

2. Delayed healing

A condition is termed as delayed healing occurs when the growth of new bone in the vacant socket is slower than normal.

If healing takes longer than expected, you might not need to make another appointment with the orthodontist or the surgeon. But, on the other hand, it is possible that the only consequence will be a slower healing.

3. Dry socket

A blood clot doesn’t form in the vacant tooth socket, which can lead to a condition known as a dry socket. It is also possible for a clot to become dislodged, a typical issue in individuals who drink with straws.

Additionally, the following factors put an individual at a greater risk of acquiring a dry socket:

  • smoke
  • don’t adhere to the post-operative guidelines given by their dental professional
  • have reached the age of 25 or older
  • having been through a difficult procedure.

In the event that a dry socket develops, a patient needs to schedule a follow-up appointment with the oral surgeon or orthodontist who performed the tooth extraction.

4. Jaw numbness that lasts forever

The wisdom teeth are located in close proximity to nerves, which increases the risk of sustaining an injury during extraction. An injury may result in paresthesia, which is freezing the lower jaw, lip, and tongue.

This condition can be quite painful.

There is little chance that the numbness will become permanent. But on the other hand, an individual may feel transitory numbing for a few weeks or months, making it much harder to eat and drink.

It is imperative that you schedule an appointment with the surgeon or orthodontist if the numbness continues for more than a few months.

Working And Driving

After getting your wisdom teeth extracted, it is common practice to suggest you take a couple of days off work to recover. You won’t need a note of excuse from your primary care physician or orthodontist for this purpose.

If the treatment was performed under local anaesthetic, you would be able to drive home right away.

However, if a sedative was used, you will not be able to drive for at least 24 hours, and you will need to wait 48 hours if the surgery was performed under general anaesthesia.

Returning To Normal

After the extraction of your wisdom teeth, once any inflammation and bruising that may have occurred has subsided, your mouth and face will restore to their regular state.

After a few days have passed, you should be able to wash your teeth as you typically would. Be sure to take the full duration of any antibiotics prescribed to you.

Following the operation, you may be asked to schedule a follow-up appointment for approximately one week later. At this stage, you should eliminate any stitches that are still present.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Such Problems?

When the third molars and the wisdom teeth finally erupt into the mouth, the other teeth will already be fully developed.

In many cases, the mouth does not have sufficient room for the arrival of four huge teeth simultaneously.

When a tooth only penetrates the gums partially, it is much easier for food to become lodged in that space between the tooth and the gum.

Additionally, thoroughly cleaning these teeth may be more challenging, which can result in infections or cavities.

But even if they penetrate the whole gum, wisdom teeth can still be a source of irritation and discomfort. If they develop at an angle, they can irritate the gums or the mouth’s interior.

If they push against other teeth, it can be extremely painful.

When a person is in their teenage years or early adulthood and goes to the orthodontist consistently, the orthodontist can monitor the growth of their wisdom teeth and identify any potential issues that may arise.


Healing typically takes around two weeks when great treatment and monitoring are provided. Antibiotics are required if an individual is possibly contracting an infection.

Pain, inflammation, a high fever, and the presence of yellow or white pus around the wound are all symptoms of an infection.

There is only a marginal chance of contracting a disease that is termed as a dry socket.

This may occur if a blood clot does not develop at the incision or if an existing clot is moved away from the injury.

A severe, throbbing discomfort is brought on by a foundation that is dry. 

Bandaging the incision is typically required after the orthodontist has treated it. After undergoing surgery on your wisdom teeth, the likelihood of experiencing problems is low if you have good follow-up care.

A person should go to the dentist or the doctor if they are experiencing extreme pain, bleeding, fever, or any other symptoms that are out of the ordinary.