Reducing risks to dental health during COVID-19

During stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions, we are all trying to stay at home, minimise any unnecessary travel and keeping to the social distancing protocols. So what does this mean for dentistry?
Minimising the need for dental visits until restrictions are lifted!
Here are some tips on how to look after your dental health during the restrictions:
• Brush your teeth and floss regularly to avoid gum inflammation.
• While stuck at home avoid constant snacking to reduce tooth decay risk. Go easy on the Easter eggs, chips and cakes. Instead, aim for healthier snacks like fruit, veggies, cheese, nuts.
• Top up on foods containing vitamin C and zinc to build up your immune system.
• Drink plenty of fluoridated water.
• Use toothpaste like Sensodyne to control any tooth sensitivity prior to booking in to have it checked with a dentist. You can brush with Sensodyne, as well as rub it over your sensitive tooth without rinsing it out.
• Be aware of grinding, clenching and avoid hard foods if you suspect a cracked tooth or pain in the jaw.
• If you have a night splint, use it. If not you may want to try an over-the counter variety, your sports mouthguard or bleaching trays overnight to relieve the stress from grinding on your teeth and jaw.

Stage 3 for dental clinics
*Emergency treatment only*
You can still call us on 95316387, email or book online at if you have:
• severe toothache
• swelling of the face, neck or mouth
• difficulty with swallowing, breathing, opening the jaw
• uncontrolled bleeding
• dental trauma/accident
• severely broken, sharp tooth cutting the cheek/lip/tongue
• persistent ulcers or soft tissue lesions that are not getting better within 1-2 weeks
• issues with your Invisalign treatment – for these we will try to consult over the phone whenever possible
All routine dental work (check-ups, cleans, small chips or fillings that are not painful, whitening and other cosmetic work, implants, crowns and bridges) have to be postponed at this stage until the restrictions are lifted.
Stay healthy and safe everyone and we will see you on the other side of this pandemic!