Dental tips for back to school

Summer holidays are almost over, so together with organising new school uniforms and lunches we need to get out kids mouths in order as well! Here are some back to school dental tips
1. Book regular dental check-ups. Aim for twice a year – easy way to remember is summer holidays around Christmas time and winter school holidays in June.
2. Stick to a dental routine. Keep it consistent and get kids to stick to it – brushing before school and brushing/flossing before bed. This is especially important if your kids have braces as more food catches around them, so kids are more likely to get cavities and gum inflammation.
3. Let your child choose their toothbrush and toothpaste. This may be a good motivator for brushing! Get a new brush at the beginning of each school term to make sure they get a good clean with fresh bristles. Electric brushes with timers are great so you know they are brushing for long enough.
4. Get older siblings to be good role models. Little ones always want to be like their big brother or sister, so get them in on the act and model good brushing skills!
5. Pack healthy snacks and lunch. Think raw, healthy snacks with little sugar and additives. Replace flavoured chips and fruit roll-ups with popcorn and fresh fruit/veggies instead.
6. Encourage drinking water. This is the best thirst quencher, so aim for a water bottle instead of flavoured milks, juices and fizzy drinks.
7. Get a new mouthguard. If your child plays a lot of contact sports like footy, mouthguard is a must! Get a new one at the start of each year as their mouths change with baby teeth falling out and adult teeth replacing them.
Have any questions or would like to book in a check-up appointment? Call us on 95316387 or book online.